58.8 kilometers +1687 / -1683 meters
%80 Tarmac, %20 Dirt Road
This circular route offers a very unique rock formations around the Köprülü Canyon National Park. The locals call them “men stones” but actually they are the conglomerate stones being formed by erosion. This Natural Park consists of 35.000 hectare and includes countless amount of species and endemic plants. 10 km climb takes you to Selge Ancient site where imposing Roman Theater welcomes you. You find the local ladies making fresh gözleme and serving herbal tea around the theater. Even though it is a challenging route with two big climbs this route should not missed because of the ancient city of Selge, rock formations of Delisarnıç and amazing vistas over and around the canyon. At the end of the route you rıde over the Roman Bridge and dive into the refreshing water of the canyon, priceless!
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