i.Sütçüler North-Karadiken-Kovada-Eğirdir
56.4 kilometers +558 meters / -625 meters
%95 Tarmac, %5 Dirt Road
From the North of Sütçüler through the Karadiken Village the route takes you to Lake Kovada in 20 km. It is a national park with protected wildlife for bird watching and its endemic flora. After the Lake Kovada the route becomes flatter and takes you to Lake Eğirdir, the fourth biggest lake of Turkey. As the clouds in the sky changes, Lake Eğirdir also changes its color. That is why it’s called “the lake of seven colors”. Eğirdir is the biggest town of this region where you find many choices for accommodation and restaurant. The bonus is the Turkish bath. Around the peninsula, you find charming family run hostels and pensions for accommodation.
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